Inspiration Tales

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We will always have Paris...

I think it’s been a long time since I managed to write down my thoughts in the form of a blog entry to the “Designer’s Diary” as I call it on Inspiration Tales’ website. The motivation behind those thoughts came from a bottle of wine, a flavour, a scent that turned up as a surprise yesterday. Something simple, not extravagant and unaffordable, that brought back to surface emotions and memories. A bottle of wine that I first tried two years ago in Provence in France, with which I fall in love immediately and yesterday had the joy to enjoy again. And the memories start to flow, because the senses of taste and smell are the strongest one after all and you start talking about Paris, its scents and flavours and then you’re blown away when a 6-year-old and a 4-year-old girl while playing they tell you, “yeah mommy! Paris for ever!!” And this makes you wonder… they were 4.5 and 2.5 years old when you took them for the first time to the Opéra in Paris and at every opportunity they tell you “when will we go back to Paris? When will I dance in a show there? What is the secret that makes Paris so magical even for the eyes of a small child? What is it that makes us whisper “We will always have Paris”? Maybe it’s the need for a little bit of magic, a little bit of a fairy tale, for beauty, love and magical glitter dust, that for these split seconds of whispering the phrase we can forget the problems overwhelming the society, our world and each of us and we can dream freely, unconditionally…

There couldn’t be a better way to welcome this new year, but with this fairy tale, an inspiration tale with the promise (mostly to myself) to fight against all this that we are living and marked us in 2020, for many new Inspiration Tales in 2021, some inspired from this French finesse and other from anything that can help me travel mentally to this world I just described…

To many new inspirations in 2021!